Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Today's Playlist: Do Something Different

We are going to explore a bunch of technology tools in today's PLC.

May 20th, 2015 PLC Playlist

  1. Log in to your Chromebook, make sure you are logged into Google
  2. If you are interested in learning more about Educational Technology, please join the Hughson EdTech Community. Click here and then "Join This Community."
  3. Zaption Activity: Technology Integration
  4. Collaborative Google Slides Notes: Reaching for the Cloud
  5. Sugatra Mitra TED Talk: Build a School in the Cloud (Do not do this on your own)
  6. Nearpod Activity: SAMR Enter ID#XSGIB
  7. Kahoot Closing Activity

Things to Explore Later

  1. The Hole-in-the-Wall website consists of Dr. Sugatra Mitra's research and findings after literally sticking a computer in a hole in the wall of a slum in India.  
  2. TED Talk: The Child Driven Education 
  3. A Principal's Perspective: Reflections on 1:1 Chromebook Implementation
  4. Rethinking Our Classrooms: Flipped-Learning Toolkit